
At Riverside we strongly believe that the partnership between families and school is crucial for our pupils to make progress academically, develop personally and thrive now and in their future.

We pride ourselves in the positive relationship we have with our parents and appreciate all they do for us.

We work hard to ensure every child is safe, happy and ready to learn from the time they walk into the gate until they leave at the end of the day.

But if you are a new parent or you just need a reminder, here’s some key facts…

Open Days

We advertise our open days on the “news” section of this website. Please book by calling 020 7237 3227. These are generally for prospective parents who are applying for a Nursery or Reception Year place.

Every day, no matter what you wish to say:

You can always send an email to and you will always get an answer.

If you want to give a compliment:

Please tell a senior manager, send an email or even write a letter (remember those?). We always appreciate and enjoy receiving good news!

If you have a concern:

Please tell one of the senior managers who are on duty at the gate every morning and evening. We don’t always know the answer straight away but we will find the person who does!

If you are experiencing a family difficulty:

Please come and tell us. We have a range of support available. We can arrange meetings with other professionals, accompany you to appointments, support you with applications, provide translators or just be a friendly ear that listens. We just need to know.

If you need an extended school place:

Please send an email to They are fee paying but we have places available at a moment’s notice and help as much as we can.

If you want to know how your child is progressing:

Please arrange a meeting with the class teacher, SENCO or a senior manager. We also have three parents’ meetings each year.

If you have a complaint:

Please tell a senior manager straight away. We have formal procedures in place as well as trying to resolve your complaint immediately. We will try our best to work with you to overcome your concern.

Parent Governors

There are 4 parent governors who represent you on the governing board at every meeting. If you wish them to report something to the board please tell them. If you wish to be a parent governor in the future, look out for the nominations when the current governors’ terms of office expire.