Curriculum Planning
Curriculum planning happens every day. Our curriculum sets out what will be learned during your time at Riverside.
A broad and balanced curriculum means everyone can achieve, enjoy learning and prepare you for the future ahead.
We have teams of teachers who are constantly reviewing and adapting our curriculum to ensure recent educational developments and changes have a positive impact on what we learn.
English and Mathematics
At Riverside, English and Mathematics are taught every day – they are very important subjects that everyone needs to master. Each teacher is responsible for planning and delivering lessons that follow the requirements of the National Curriculum and is personalised to each child. This ensures knowledge and understanding builds on previous learning and supports each individual’s progress.
Teachers use the English and Mathematics objectives from the National Curriculum as a starting point for planning lessons which you can see using the links below. We also use the Maths Mastery programme as a guideline for Maths planning in Key Stage 1.
Reading and Phonics
Reading Time is a key feature of every day at Riverside. This is a time when we can read our favourite books and find new favourites. We do have the Oxford Reading Tree scheme but this is not the only books we read!
Teachers use the ‘Floppy’s phonics’ programme to plan and deliver activities that support reading.
Other Subjects
All other curriculum subjects are taught at Riverside following a two-year curriculum programme – just click on the page to see what the topics are! There’s Year A and Year B. This is to ensure every aspect of the curriculum is covered in every class and is essential when planning for mixed year-group classes.
Mixed-Year Classes
Pupils in mixed-year classes follow the appropriate curriculum for their year group and their ability and planning reflects this.
Educational Visits
We are very lucky to be in an exciting part of London that has amazing resources for us to use to make our curriculum even more interesting and fun! So planning will show you will be visiting many places, meeting many specialists and working with a wide range of people. At the same time we will be learning new skills – how great is that!
Additional Information
To find out more about the curriculum we teach at Riverside you will be invited to curriculum evenings organised by our subject leaders. We look forward to seeing you there.