Statement of Intent
The ethos and values of Riverside School
Riverside School values each pupil and each member of staff as an individual and as part of the school as a community. We are committed to inclusion and excellence.
We are committed to policies and practices which promote an ethos of equality and respect for children and adults within the school and beyond so that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full potential and be part of an inclusive, diverse community.
Our future, as the centre of the community, is not to educate within the boundaries of curriculum requirements but provide a learning environment that fosters talent and supports the development of our children into knowledgeable, thoughtful members of society.
In order to achieve this goal, our forthcoming priorities will enhance the curriculum as it stands through the development of enrichment, integration and the promotion of outstanding classroom practice.
Our values all have one principal shared outcome – that is to improve and develop teaching and learning in order to impact positively on the attainment of every pupil and enhance the quality of their educational experience at Riverside School.
“I like it best when you are having fun and learning at the same time – that’s what we do at Riverside”
(Year 4 pupil)