How many people work at Riverside?
There are many people who work at Riverside who all have the same goal – to help pupils develop into confident, capable learners and active members of the local community.
Sophie Alder and Jill Lewis are the Headteachers.
They can be found in the playground at the start and end of the day and are on duty at all times.
Their office can be found on the first floor of the main building.
Head of School
Helen Baldry is the Head of School. She is also on duty at all times and her office is next to the main School Office.
Assistant Headteachers
Sara Black, Neri Mineikyte-Price and Richard Edgworth are the Assistant Headteachers.They are responsible for the Curriculum, Planning & Assessment and Wellbeing. But they have lots of other jobs too!
There are at least 16 teachers at Riverside – they are all friendly and helpful.
They work hard and teach exciting lessons that help us learn.
Teaching Assistants
There are more than 15 TAs too. They are there to help pupils and teachers.
Midday Supervisors
7 supervisors are there at lunchtimes to make sure everyone is happy.
Kitchen Staff
We have a cook and 4 people help cook our lunch.
Facilities and Premises Assistants
Dan and Kamal are the Facilities & Premises Assistants and help the school to run smoothly. They take care of the school building and site and can be found at the school gate at the start and end of the day.
Admin. Officer
Gill is the Admin Officer. She answers the telephone and deals with enquiries, sends out letters about outings and important dates and you can buy your school uniform at her office.
We have a team of cleaners who make sure the school is ready for the next day.
At Riverside there are a lot of adults who help the school run smoothly. Next time you visit, think about all the people who have worked hard to make our school a great place to learn.