Following our success obtaining our Silver Certificate, we are continuing to develop the areas we have already worked on, including the gardens and energy saving projects.
Have you seen our planters that we made?
They were built with the help of a local company who gave up their time to work with us.
The “Green Team” aim to get everyone involved by extending our projects and introducing new challenging areas for development. At the start and during each project we organise and lead assemblies to let everyone know what has been happening and how to get involved.
The Green Team meet each week to discuss important environmental issues that will affect our school and aim to organise ways we can make our local environment better and more eco-friendly.
We have a notice board near the staff room that you can look at and see what has happened recently. We have close links to our school’s Travel Plan and have a say in what we would like to see improved in our local area.
The team are very busy! Sometimes we work with the local companies that volunteer to improve our garden. We also look closely at the effects of local building works on our school environment and in particular the projects that will take a long time to complete, such as the new Thames Tunnel project.